
Guys, I DIYed something! Can you tell I’m very excited about it? I’d like to think my friend詹尼属于我喜欢自己动手我真的为我和我的努力感到骄傲,因为我不经常从事狡猾的活动,但本着地球日的精神,我决定尝试升级我的一个空位艾维诺瓶。我的灵感来自这篇文章and from that, I created a fun mini planter for my baby air plant.

The directions below are fairly straightforward but please be careful when using an exacto knife to cut the plastic bottle off and away from the cement. It can get a little dicey if you don’t totally know what your doing – case in point, my Dad had to help me in the end so I didn’t get all impatient and accidentally end up slicing my finger. Also, I made the mistake of not coating the cap that went inside the cement and had to pop it out with pliers. Oops.

For more in-depth directions,用纸和针读这篇文章, which was my original inspiration! xoxoxo公司,


