如何Take Your Swimsuit from Beach to Brunch!


Photo by灰色黑林

(这是我代表我写的赞助帖子Lands’ End。所有意见都是100%矿山。)

你们可以相信阵亡将士纪念日周末距离酒店只是几天之后吗?!开球夏天,Lands’ Endhas declared that today (May 23rd)国家泳衣日,整个游泳池提供50%的折扣加上免费加速运输Fridaydelivery to guarantee that you’ll get your swimsuit before the long holiday weekend! How awesome is that?

找到一个适合正确的西装,可以是一项艰巨的任务,感觉真正令人生畏,但幸运的土地结束了在线提供帮助游泳发现者,这是一个互动工具,可以帮助根据身体形状和偏好发现最佳泳衣,同时还提供了如何采取适当的泳装测量的提示。该品牌也在手上游泳合适的专家,whether you prefer calling or using their live chat, they are ready to help you find the perfect-fitting swimsuit! Personally, I always struggle to find a two piece that fits both my top and bottom since I run larger in the bust area but if I aim to fit the top, the bottoms tend to run too big. Luckily, atLands’ End,您可以混合并匹配集合来查找一个适合您身体形状的Juuuuust权利!

因此,为了庆祝泳衣,温暖的天气和长周末,我与品牌联系起来向你展示我最喜欢的三个套装以及如何轻松将你的泳装从海滩转移到早午餐(最好是含羞草等待)在几分钟内。首先,这个可爱striped one piece!

lands end striped suit


我喜欢混合和匹配的模式,真的很喜欢这些印刷短裤看起来如何与之配对经典条纹一件。I kept the rest of the look fairly neutral to keep the focal point on the suit and then draped a chambray button down over my shoulders as a finishing touch.

lands end floral print suit


For this花卉和女性两件我想用鲜为粉红色和白色的模式画出绿色,所以我抓住了我的黑暗橄榄效用衬衫用作“掩饰”,然后通过滑动我最喜欢的超大牛仔短裤来更加休闲,实际上是曾经my Dad’s work jeans! Then I brought in a little pattern play with my striped espadrilles but kept the rest of the look pretty classic with a traditional Panama hat, cognac leather tote and tortoise shell sunnies.



This might be my favorite suit next to the striped one. How cute is the棕榈树叶?!我综合图案再次播放,热爱蓝色柔和条纹如何恭维柔和的粉红色和绿叶印刷品。我想让这个衣服轻盈,所以我选择了白色凉鞋和帆布手提包,并用我最喜欢的编织草帽和约翰列侬 - Esque太阳镜,整体看。

lands end paisley print suit


I went for a slightly dressier style when styling thispaisley swimsuitand wore these fuchsia shorts that I felt matched well with the pattern, and really pulled out the pretty purple color. Then instead of draping the chambray shirt over my shoulders like before, I decided to tie it up at the waist, which helps defines my shape and creates a nice juxtaposition next to the flowy material of the shorts.

I hope you guys enjoyed this post and let me know if you have any questions! xo

